
Monday, November 7, 2016

Horticultural Therapy

Horticultural therapy (you may called it as garden theraphy, plant therapy, or anything you like) is an activities that very common as a theraphy activity for those who suffer in anxiety, insecurities, depressed, and anything related in unbalanced life. It used to be a therapy for senior communities in their retirement phase. As the time goes by, gardening is not only a therapy for senior but also for anyone that feel overwhelmed in life responsibilities and need something to make them alive again. Here, I will share my experience in gardening. Not a complicated gardening, it is just a simple gardening like taking care of a cactus or succulent. I've been talking about my new interest in the previous post. I am not a pro in gardening, I just started it. First, I choose cactus because it is easy to take care of. According to my experienced, It brings me both sadness and happiness. The sadness part is when you just a newbie you need to do a little research about what you do, and if you are wrong treat your baby, it will become a nightmare. It will die in just several weeks. And it did really broke your heart. Because, growing some plants are just like raising a baby. You have to give them food, water, sunshine, and etc.
The happiness part is when you're watching your plants day by day and they keep growing even blooming, then you know that you treat them right. Gardening is also involving other emotions and behavior. You will feel inspired, confident, and empathy. Those are what I've been experienced for the past few months.
I'd like to say  today is the era of Industrial Era. People are so concerned about how to make more and more money. They have to deal with fast paced environment every single day, struggle in traffic jam, and suffer in consumptive sickness. They tend to forget about how enjoy and relax for a little bit. They tend to be less empathy.
I am not saying I don't like money. Who doesn't?  All of us need money to make a living to survive in this world. But, sometimes we need to make a stop for a while and watch everything around us. Doing simple things like gardening, reading your favourite books, working on your favourite sports are also a cheap medicine for your mental. Hey, Not only your body but your mental also need some treatment.
I wish someday in the future I will live outside the city, have a small farm, and doing simple little thing that make me happy.

Again, I am inspired by naelaali's artwork. She said it in one of her book complete with the illustration.
She really loves her cactus.
Unfortunately, she can't hug or even touch it even if she wanted to.
But, she loves it anyway.
Because love is not about touching, it is about caring and giving.

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